Securing your premises
When it comes to keeping your business secure, nothing should be left to chance. This includes working with a professional security company, whether that’s on a proactive or reactive basis. ESG Security has 30+ years’ experience in the security industry and is a trusted service provider to businesses of all sizes. We provide a wide range of security services, from security guarding and mobile patrols to CCTV. We are committed to offering dynamic security services to our customers, we are happy to advise how our services can be maximised to fit the needs of your site.
Preventing crime
Security officers provide a physical and visual deterrent against crime. The presence of even one officer will dramatically reduce the rate of crime and prevent the likelihood of a security incident. If officers do need to respond to an incident, they can use their training to intervene and stop the situation from escalating.
Upgrading security
Security officers act as an extra pair of eyes and ears. Their presence is purposeful and distinct in providing immediate action in a multitude of scenarios, from de-escalating a situation to deterring hostility.
Providing a quick response time
The reaction of on-site security is immediate; every second counts when it comes to incident repose.
Handling security incidents in an efficient manner
Officers can use their judgement to protect assets and weigh up how best to respond to incidents. Risk changes quickly, so handling incidents in an efficient manner is of the utmost importance. Conflict management thereafter is critical to ensuring the incident does not get out of hand.
Preventing vehicle theft
On-site security officers patrol your car park at regular, but random intervals.
Secure environment
Officers play an important role in controlling violations and maintaining discipline in the workplace.
First aid
Officers are first aid trained. In an emergency they can perform CPR and operate an automated defibrillator.