One of the UK’s leading supermarkets has been experiencing an increase in shoplifting incidents and more aggressive incidents. Recognising the need for improved security, the retailer requested ESG Security (ESG) provide security staff to 12 of their high risk stores.
ESG understood that an “off the shelf” solution would be ineffective for the problems being faced and that a bespoke approach would be required. ESG Managing Director, David Hoey, pitched an enhanced approach to the respective area managers and asked for their feedback.
The area managers were enthusiastic about ESG’s strategy underscoring the effectiveness of the plan to deter more incidents and reassure staff. The area managers echoed ESG’s theory that an enhanced approach to security would be required. ESG’s strategy involved manned guarding, security systems, and advanced technology.
ESG seamlessly integrated all three elements:
Manned guarding: Security Industry Authority (SIA) licensed security officers were positioned strategically within the stores. Beyond deterring violence, they engaged with customers, fostering a secure and welcoming environment.
Security systems: ESG introduced a state-of-the-art surveillance system featuring facial recognition cameras which scan customer faces against a database of criminals. If a person on the database is identified a decision is made by the store manager i.e. have our security officer escort the person off site or disarm the suspect through loss prevention tactics.
Advanced technology: Our security staff are equipped with a locked down smartphone to monitor store CCTV, facilitate effective communication, and help them respond to incidents. The use of a smartphone rather than a radio has been found to be much more effective, due to the tendency for people to talk over each other when using a radio. Body cameras are also used to assist the reduction of aggression and record an independent account of events. The phone can also be used to report things such as a toilet leak.